Earn money through Article writing monthly 500$
If you get tired by seeking earning method in internet then this article will help you a lot. There are millions people around the world earning a good amount of money through writing. Writing is a profession of creativity. Creative writing is praised here. If you have good hand in writing and passionate about it then keep reading.
I am talking about article writing not a book writing. Book writing is so hard thing but article writing is easier. If you can write good quality article then you can earn good amount of money. Article is used in website or magazine. People do not want any masterpiece article from you they just want something informative and helpful. So before writing you should be careful about it.
You can get money mostly in two ways through wrting articles.
1. From your own website : you can open your open website and put there some quality and unique articles. After getting traffics/visitors then apply in adsense or other ad networks which will pay you money. Google Adsens pays a good amount of money. They have high CPC rate at all.
2. Selling your articles in marketplace : There are a lot of marketplaces in internet where you can sell your products like articles. Millions of buyers are ready to pay you for your works. You just need to write something according their commands. After that they'll pay you money at least 5$. Some popular marketplaces : Fiverr,Upwork,Freelancer, PeopleperOur etc.
You can make your article more expensive by writing them SEO friendly and Plagiarism free. Unique article is demanded highly in marketplaces.
If you want to write just start today. Make profit by using your creativity. Share this article if you liked it. Thanks for reading.
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