Artificial Intelligence Benefits to Society
Investor and innovators are always eager to do something which take our civilization in a new level. It originated from the Turing test which had done by Turing in 1950.
Turing test is a test to observe , does a device can thinking power?. For the Turing test Alan Turing is known as Father of AI.
AI short form of Artificial intelligence is applying human intelligence into electronic devices.
Computer doesn't have its own intelligence. It isn't able to make any decisions according to the situation. AI provides a computer or other devices to think like a human technically.
To understand properly we have to know about intelligence. So,what is intelligence?
Intelligence is the ability of gathering knowledge and applying it. Human have this power. If they learn a formula they can apply it.
Actually intelligence also mean to learn something by thyself. A computer can't able to learn thing by its own ,until you program something new.
You all know about Google search. It is a intelligent program. Whenever you search something it shows you your desired webpage from billions of webpages within less than a second. It is a common example of Artificial intelligence.
Robotics is an another sector for applying AI. We all know ASIMO and SOPHIA they are humanoid robot and the outcome and great wonder of AI.
AI on smart devices like Robot or computer program will help us to reduce are energy and time. It will detect whatever we are willing to do or thinking about.
Mega smartphone companies and OS companies are researching to use AI on smartphones which going to make smartphone more smarter and user friendly. Like phone will be operate by your eye signal,it just prediction. It could be more amazing which we can't even think. It is beyond our thinking.
According to many researcher there are three category of AI.
1. ANI or Artificial Narrow Intelligence. It is simple AI. A program which can play chess will not able to play ludo. ANI is some thing will be expert in a specific field.
2. AGI or Artificial General Intelligence. It is strong/Human level intelligence. In this stage computers can think like human.
3. ASI or Artificial super intelligence. It is third dimension of AI. Computer will be more intelligent than human. It called super intelligence.
Some are concerning because ASI could become dangerous for human existence. ASI is more intelligent than human.It can learn by it's own. But we are just in the first stage of AI which is ANI.
AI is applied by using some programming language. Such as LISP,PROLOG,C/C++,CLISP,JAVA etc. The real example of AI is robot.
Application of Artificial intelligence :
• driving cars and aeroplane without human
• solving complex math problems.
• recreation and in playing games like playing chess.
• Making plans and schedules
• To detect acute errors in various devices etc.
AI going to change the Outlook of our vision. It have already came out from the science fiction. Controlled use of this could take us in new level. AI is a blessing of technology.
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